Any individual or team adopting GQM, regardless of their role, will benefit even if others don't buy in. ( You will be better able to interface with your organization!) 任何一个个体或者团队都可以采用QGM,无论他们是什么角色,即便其他人并不使用这个方法,您也将从中受益。
The interface nodes provides file serving capabilities by connecting to the organization's ethernet IP network via NFS, CIFS and FTP protocols. 接口节点通过NFS、CIFS和FTP协议连接组织的以太网IP网络,从而提供文件服务能力。
This paper elaborate on the operational principle, hardware interface circuit, and hardware organization of SCSI memory system. 本文对SCSI存储系统的工作原理、硬件接口电路、数据处理过程等进行了详细的介绍。
The feasibility study of project investment, project risk assessment, project interface management, and the role of project manager in a project team within an organization will also be discussed. 专案投资的可行性分析、专案的风险评估、专案的介面管理,以及专案团队与专案经理在一家公司组织内的地位和角色亦将加以讨论。
STEP-NC is a new data interface standard between CAM and CNC that is established by the International Standards Organization recently. It is a STEP expansion in the field of CNC. STEP-NC是国际标准化组织最近制定的CAM与CNC之间新的数据接口标准,是STEP在CNC领域的扩展。
Their relationship mainly consists in interconnection and intercommunication, basing on protocol, mutual interface and virtual organization etc. 其关联性主要表现在互连互通、基于协议、交互接口和虚拟组织几个方面。
An early warning prototype model of regional risks based on interface integrity was established, which emphasizes the synthesis of strategies, organization, methodology, information, culture and process. 研究建立了基于界面集成的项目投资区域风险的预警模式,强调战略、组织、方法、信息、文化和过程六要素的有机融合;
The article describes the basic theory of network's programming interface and the organization of Windows Sockets which is Microsoft Windows network's programming interface. 首先说明了网络编程界面Socket(套接字)的基本原理及Microsoftwindows网络程序设计接口windowsSockets的构成。
Enterprises should improve efficacy of interface management so as to improve efficiency of technological innovation, and organization is the focus. 提高界面管理的水平是提高企业技术创新效率的关键。
In my design, it mainly does research on the theory and key technology of the removable storage disk with usb interface. It analyses the soft and hard structure of flash disk and finds out the theory of data organization in disk. 在本设计中,主要研究USB移动存储盘原理和关键技术,详细剖析了闪存盘的软件、硬件结构,了解闪存盘存储信息的原理。
In chapter four the software design and fulfillment is elaborated ranging from the requirements analysis and laying down of operating interface background to the data organization. 第四章详细介绍了软件设计方案和实现方法。从需求分析、操作界面的制定和后台数据的组织到误差分析处理等几个方面进行了深入的论述和分析。
At the beginning of this thesis, the research of organization and standardize to vehicle dispatch information and interface is reviewed, at the same time, the theory about information organization and standardize is introduced. 论文首先回顾国内外在车辆调度信息的利用、信息组织和接口的描述及标准化方面的研究现状,并介绍了一些信息组织和标准化方面的理论基础。
The thesis concludes by supplying the interface of some modules in the system, among which the focus is on code implementation process of system login, organization management and permission management accompanied with explanation on how to improve the system. 最后论文给出了系统中的一些模块的界面,其中主要介绍了系统登录、机构管理和权限管理的代码实现过程,并对如何进一步完善系统进行了说明。
In part of implementation, the paper studies implementation of writing environment and man-machine interface, studies organization and management of knowledge, gives concrete implementation codes of reasoning machine, and tries to give a preliminary implementation of ITS model. 在实现部分,研究了写作环境和人机接口的实现,探讨了知识组织和管理,给出了推理机的具体实现代码,并尝试给出一个智能教学系统模型的初步实现。
This paper studies on the realization of multimedia computer control interface in visual C++ 6.0, elaborate its desing of function module and data organization, elaborating and concrete application program. 论述了多媒体计算机控制接口在Visualc++6.0中的实现,多媒体计算机控制接口系统的模块设计和数据组织,并给出具体的应用程序。
Through the methods of the article, questionary, coze, researching the Iron and Steel enterprises interface management, showing the important affect on interface by the following facts, such as organization structure, information communication and enterprise culture; 揭示了组织结构、信息沟通、利益协调和企业文化对企业界面管理产生的重大影响,并结合莱钢集团公司实际存在的界面问题进行研究,提出了解决钢铁企业R&D/生产制造界面管理有效措施。
Through the analysis from various aspects, this thesis researches on the rule of vertical system superposition and provide the concept of "Interface shape" for space organization. 本文从不同角度对现状进行分析,研究商住两个系统的竖向叠加特征,并针对界面空间提供初步的形态研究。
The problem on interface formation and organization 接口的组成、设计与实现问题
Research on interface coordination mechanism in construction project organization 建设项目组织界面协调机制研究
Through the case study about Douglas Engelbart and the historical development of graphical user interface, it has promulgated that the man-machine factor, as well as the technology and organization innovation, is the most important one which affected the development of computer technology. 通过道格拉斯·恩格巴特和GUI(图形用户界面)的发展史的案例研究,揭示了人机关系的形态是影响计算机发展的重要因素之一,以及技术创新与组织创新相联系。
This paper mainly introduces the design for the digitalized control-room of the research nuclear reactor and covered topics include design principle of human-machine interface, organization and classification of interface graphics, technologies and principles based on human factors engineering and implemented in the graphics design. 着重介绍新型研究堆控制室人机界面的设计原则,图形显示界面的组织分类,显示画面设计技术以及画面设计中的人因工程原则。
There are great deals of management and harmonization tasks in the working interface of these types of work, such as organization, technology, economy and contract. 各专业接口处的施工界面存在大量管理和协调工作,如组织、技术、经济、合同等多个方面。
According to the theories of automaton in the compiler principle, this paper presented the designing and programming algorithms of the interface of static simulation models in urban traffic organization optimization. Data exchange was through files. 根据编译原理中的自动机理论,设计信号交叉口静态仿真模型接口及接口实现算法,数据交换采用中性文件交换方式。
Test shows that austenite deposits based on phase interface in transiting process, alloy carbide organization homogeneously distributes on ferrite basal body, and meanwhile the structural pattern and generative mechanism was analyzed. 试验发现,在奥氏体转变过程中基于相界面沉淀,在铁素体基体上均匀弥散分布着合金碳化物组织,对其组织形貌及生成机制进行了分析。
Brain-Computer Interface ( BCI) is a new path which does not dependent on the neuromuscular organization, and it provides new means for the patients with dyskinesia to interact with the outside world. 腑-机接口(Brain-computerinterface,BCI)是不依赖神经肌肉组织的信息交流通道,它为患有运动障碍的病人与外界交互提供了一种新的手段。
This paper has the innovation of theory and method. The results have theoretical and practical significance for explaining the logistics organization form, the interface of logistics organization and logistics cooperation, making the strategy of logistics standardization information and promoting the logistics business process reengineering. 研究结果对解释物流组织形态形成,物流组织界面变化和物流领域中合作的发展,以及对制定物流标准化和物流信息化战略以及推动物流企业流程再造具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。
In this paper, a number of innovations in the implementation of the strategy were pointed out, in terms of technology, interactive interface, the implementation of processes, organization and management. The example also used. 文中提出了在技术、交互界面、实施流程、组织和管理数个方面的创新战略实施,并且进行了应用举例。
Between copper and titanium on the complex interface occurred the atomic inter-diffusion, with the result that the matrix organization and hardness changed, and the compound layer of TiCu was formed on the copper/ titanium interface. 铜、钛复合界面上的原子间发生了互扩散,致使基体组织、硬度发生改变,在铜、钛界面上形成了化合物层TiCu。
The platform is designed using the layered approach. It can be divided into hardware layer, hardware/ software interface and software layer. The verification process is managed and scheduled by the verification process management program, associating with efficiency methods of data organization. 平台总体框架设计使用了层次化的设计方法,将系统设计分为硬件层、软硬件接口以及软件层三个层次,结合高效的验证数据组织方法,由验证流程管理程序进行统一的管理和调度。